Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

Virtual VECAN Lunch and Learn January 11th at Noon



Bring Your Lunch and Learn about Public Engagement Opportunities on Climate in 2021 

Join us on Monday, January 11th at noon to reconnect with local energy leaders across Vermont who are dedicated to climate action in Vermont. 2021 offers meaningful opportunities for your voice to be heard on climate action, with the state developing a Climate Action Plan as well as the regular updating of Vermont’s Comprehensive Energy Plan (CEP). We will share what we know about the public engagement processes for both of these initiatives, as well as hear your ideas for how you would like to be kept involved in the process moving forward.

Getting Engaged with the Vermont Climate Council

As you know, the passage of the Vermont Global Warming Solutions Act recently created a 23-member Climate Council to develop a plan to meet the now legally mandated state greenhouse gas reduction targets. The plan will be delivered in December 2021. The Council’s work is just beginning, and they need your help to ensure that the Climate Action Plan meets the scale of action needed to address climate change in Vermont. Visit the State of Vermont’s Climate Council website here to learn more about the Council’s work and how to access the Council’s meetings.

Helping Vermont Update the Comprehensive Energy Plan 

This year, the Vermont Department of Public Service (PSD) will begin the review and update of the Comprehensive Energy Plan (CEP) with a new plan due January 2022, only a month after the Climate Action Plan will be delivered by the Vermont Climate Council. Local leaders were deeply involved in the crafting of the two most recent CEPs, and we want to ensure that your voices are part of the process this time as well.

The Department of Public Service has already issued a Request for Public Comment with responses due by February 1, 2021. This is an opportunity for the public to participate in identifying and clarifying policy and technology pathways to reach Vermont’s energy goals. If you would like to submit comments or sign up to receive updates on the CEP process, email Visit the PSD’s website here to continue to track and participate in the process.

Register for the Zoom event here!  

We hope to see you on January 11th at noon!



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