Headline News:
- “EU Eyes Huge Increase In Offshore Wind Energy To Meet Climate Goals” • The European Union is considering a plan to increase its offshore wind energy capacity five-fold this decade and 25-fold by 2050, as it seeks to become climate neutral, a draft policy shows. The EU is already home to 42% of the world’s offshore wind capacity. [EnergyInfraPost]

Offshore wind turbines (Nicholas Doherty, Unsplash)
- “Jeffrey Young: Oil Companies Admit to Contributing to Climate Change – and Blame You” • In a climate change lawsuit, oil companies admitted that their products were a major cause of climate change, and it’s a real problem. But extraction of the fossil fuels doesn’t cause climate change, they said. It is the use of the product that generates emissions. [Noozhawk]
- “US Renewable Energy Industry Cheers Joe Biden Election Win As ‘Beautiful Day'” • The American renewable energy sector has cheered the declared election of Joe Biden as the next President of the United States, with industry bodies placing the accent on the potential for the country to rejoin global climate leadership under the new administration. [Recharge]
- “Is This The Key To Cheaper Solar Power?” • At first glance, solar power and farming seem mutually exclusive. Once you take a closer look, however, they appear to be mutually beneficial in more than one way. Solar farms generally benefit the land. And when that land is farmland, the benefits of the combination only seem to become greater. [OilPrice.com]
- “Even With Biden Win Declared, Climate And Energy Plans May Hinge On Senate Races” • Joe Biden has aggressive climate and clean energy plans that could result in sweeping changes to the energy sector. But Republicans could keep control of the US Senate, upsetting those ambitions, all but ensuring delays and blocks for major climate legislation. [S&P Global]
For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.
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