Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

The Albany Loop pipeline is stopped –for now!

In its current rate increase proposal before the Public Service Commission, National Grid quietly announced that, “the Company has determined that there are adequate gas supplies …, such that we are able to temporarily defer the Albany Loop project from a supply  perspective.” This, “provides a window of opportunity to … offer new solutions (e.g., renewable natural gas, geothermal) … and potentially delay or avoid the need for this and other projects.” The company, however, also stressed that plans for the line are still being explored for future years.

We at Stop NY Fracked Gas Pipeline (SNYFGP) fought the Northeast Energy Direct (NED) pipeline, we helped fight the Sheridan Hollow Power Plant, and now the Albany Loop pipeline, and they have all been stopped.  Is this because we are great organizers?  Yes, in part… But… it’s also because the fossil fuel industry is on the skids due to the worldwide climate movement. The Paris Climate Agreement signed by 189 countries which have agreed to cut greenhouse gas emissions and the New York Climate Law requiring a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in just 10 years, makes it virtually impossible to justify any new fossil fuel infrastructure.

SNYFGP and Community Advocates for a Sustainable Environment (CASE) will file comments in the National Grid Rate Case to demand that plans for the pipeline be stopped and instead National Grid bring wind, solar, geothermal and conservation to upstate customers. You too can speak at the public statement hearings. Testify at the Public Statement hearings against the National Grid rate increase on September 30th and October 7th. This rate case includes money for the Albany Loop pipeline (even though the company admits it’s not needed from a supply perspective). The Public Service Commission and Governor Cuomo have the power to stop this increase. If you are willing to testifying, click on this link expressing your interest. You will then be sent information and “talking points” to help you with your testimony. It’s actually not hard and you don’t need to be an expert. We’ll coach you through it. Your statement should not be longer than 3 minutes. You will also be given instructions on how to register with the NYS Public Service Commission which is required to testify.


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