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Squam Lakes Natural Science Center Installs EV Chargers for Visitors

Program supported by New Hampshire Electric Cooperative

EV charging station at Squam Lakes Natural Science Center

Squam Lakes Natural Science Center is a longtime proponent of green initiatives. From composting toilets, to energy efficient lighting, and small changes that add up to larger impacts like turning off lights and recycling food waste, the Science Center tries to teach about, support, and implement initiatives that help our planet. The latest project is the installation of EV charging stations for visitors driving electric vehicles.

Two Level 2 EV charging stations are located adjacent to the Welcome Center giving Science Center guests with electric vehicles two dedicated parking spaces and allowing them to charge their vehicle while they visit the trails or attend programs.

The cost of the installation of the chargers was sponsored by the New Hampshire Electric Cooperative through a rebate program. The Electric Vehicle Commercial Charger Rebate allows businesses to cover half of the cost of installation with a maximum of $5,000 for two chargers per property. The chargers were donated anonymously.

“Installing EV chargers at your business is a great way to show your customers that you care about the environment,” said Alicia Melanson, Program Administrator at New Hampshire Electric Cooperative. “New Hampshire has a need for more public charging stations, especially north of Concord, and we’re glad to see the Science Center embrace the many benefits of driving electric.”

Randy Brown Excavation prepared the site location and Mauchly Electric completed the electrical work.

The EV chargers are available to Science Center visitors during regular hours, May 1 through November 1, from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and the same hours for Monday through Friday from November through April.

Learn more about Squam Lakes Natural Science Center at

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