Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

From the Vermont Natural Resources Council

Fantastic news! Yesterday, the Vermont House passed the Vermont Global Warming Solutions Act (H.688) with 102 representatives taking a stand for real climate action in Vermont. The 102-45 vote margin means we expect there will be enough votes to override Governor Scott’s decision – if he chooses to veto this pollution-reducing, job-creating bill.

This is a strong step forward for long-overdue progress to combat the climate crisis, and it would not have been possible without all of you who reached out to your legislators to urge them to support it. Thank you so much for all that you have done to get us to this point!

The Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA) puts in place a solid foundation to hold the state accountable to its commitment to reduce climate pollution and build resilience for the disruptive changes that we know are coming. It ensures that the state centers the needs of rural, low-income, and vulnerable Vermonters at the forefront of our planning decisions. And, as we begin to rebuild our economy from the ravages of the pandemic, it enables Vermont to take advantage of the significant job creating opportunities that climate action offers.

As the COVID-19 pandemic has proven, we ignore science at our peril. Yesterday’s progress is the near-final step forward on ensuring Vermont finally does our part to combat the climate crisis.

Find a full press release about this victory here.

Thank you again – and onward!


Johanna Miller, Energy and Climate Program Director

Vermont Natural Resources Council

PS: If you haven’t already, check out this op-ed from Rep. Laura Sibilia, Vice Chair of the House Energy & Technology Committee, who outlines why this policy is so important to creating resilient rural communities in a changing climate. Also check out this op-ed from the Times Argus placing the Solutions Act in a global context.

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