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2040 Film: Free Virtual Screening: Tuesday Aug 18th 6:30pm-8:30pm

Monadnock Food Co-op and Monadnock International Film Festival (MONIFF) will co-host a virtual screening of the documentary film 2040. This film explores what 2040 could look like if nations embraced solutions like regenerative agriculture, renewable energy, and climate justice. The film asks viewers to explore “What’s Your 2040?”

The film starts at 6:30 p.m. and a live post-film discussion will follow, with Monadnock Region community leaders in the areas of regenerative agriculture, food and farming, energy, transportation and housing, equity, and social justice, and cooperatives. This event is free, but registration is required.

This community screening coincides with NH Eats Local Month, a month-long celebration of local food and New Hampshire farmers and food producers. Increased consumption of local food boosts the health of the economy, communities, and environment:

“A dose of inspiration and optimism is just what we need right now, and 2040 offers plenty of both,” said MONIFF Board Chair, Deirdre Fitzgerald. “It’s the perfect film to celebrate NH Eats Local Month. Eating local strengthens our communities, nourishes our bodies, and sustains a healthy planet. This documentary shows how, through the power of community, we may already have what we need to tackle climate change head-on.”

Event partners include Green Energy Options, Monadnock Farm & Community Coalition, Neighboring Food Co-op Association, The Local Crowd Monadnock, The Sustainability Project, Village Roots Permaculture, and W.S. Badger Company. Businesses or organizations interested in event partnership may contact Jen Risley at or 603-283-5401.

About 2040

Award-winning director Damon Gameau (embarks on a journey to explore what the future could look like by the year 2040 if people embraced the best solutions already available to improve the planet. Structured as a visual letter to his 4-year-old daughter, Gameau creates a vision board of how these solutions could regenerate the world for future generations.

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