Headline News:
- “UK Power Emissions Fall To Record Low” • The UK power system’s carbon intensity fell to a record low on 23 May, pushed down bin increased solar and windpower, according to research by Drax Electric Insights. Average carbon intensity reached 61 grams of CO₂ per kWh, beating the previous record, 76 grams of CO₂ per kWh, set on 17 August last year. [reNEWS]

Westmill Solar Co-operative (MrRenewables, Wikimedia Commons)
- “NSW Calls For Wind, Solar, Storage Ideas For First Renewable Zone In Central West” • The government of New South Wales issued a call for 3,000 MW or more of wind, solar, and storage project proposals to join the state’s first Renewable Energy Zone. The zone will be in the Central-West region, centered around the town of Dubbo. [RenewEconomy]
- “Why Are We Subsidizing Fossil Fuels? Seriously” • Supporting renewables can cut emissions and boost the economy, all while providing cost-competitive energy. The Trump Administration, however, continues propping up the fossil fuel industry, despite the sector’s real financial problems, which began long before the COVID-19 pandemic. [CleanTechnica]
- “Experts Warn Climate Change Is Already Killing Way More People Than We Record” • In a published correspondence, a physician from the Australian National University and four other public health experts estimated that Australia’s mortality records have substantially underreported heat-related deaths – at least 50-fold. [ScienceAlert]
- “Number 1 Tesla has 29% of Global Electric Vehicle Market in Q1 2020” • EV Volumes has shared the first quarter breakdown by brand for the world as a whole. It is interesting that the top two brands have had dramatically different approaches to their plug-in vehicle sales rise. Tesla is number one; it is followed rather distantly by Volkswagen. [CleanTechnica]
For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.
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