Headline News:
“Governor Cuomo Rejects The Williams Pipeline” • New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has rejected the Williams Pipeline, which would have carried natural gas that had been fracked in Pennsylvania to parts of New York City. This pipeline would also have trapped New York into several decades of dependence on fracked gas. [CleanTechnica]
- “Study Finds Methane Leaks In PA Much Higher Than State Reports” • Pennsylvania’s natural gas industry has made the state second only to Texas for gas production. But scientists working for the Environmental Defense Fund found that the industry releases a lot of methane, which is responsible for around 25% of global warming. [WSKG.org]
- “BLM Planning Vast Overhaul of Greater Chaco Land Management Plan During Pandemic” • The US Bureau of Land Management is holding final public comment sessions on oil and gas drilling in the Greater Chaco region online through May 28, effectively excluding local Navajo, and Pueblo peoples, many of whom have no internet access. [Earth Island Journal]
- “Fast-Charging Super-Capacitor Could Accelerate Renewable Energy Usage” • Researchers at the University of Surrey have developed super-capacitor technology that can store and deliver electricity at high power rates for mobile applications. It also has potential to forward advancements in wind, wave, and solar energy, researchers said. [Electronics360]
- “Study Shows Wetter Climate Is Likely To Intensify Climate Change” • A study published in the journal Nature indicates that the increase in rainfall forecast by global climate models is likely to hasten the release of carbon dioxide from tropical soils. That increase in greenhouse gas emissions would further intensify global warming. [National Science Foundation]
For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.
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