Urge The Senate Natural Resources Committee To Move On
The Only Current Bill That Will Fund Immediate
Action On Climate Change
S. 311 – The Green New Deal
Last week, Washington County Senator, Anthony Pollina introduced S. 311 – The Green New Deal to the Senate’s Natural Resources Committee. On passage, this bill will immediately begin to raise funds to meet the climate emergency by paying for work we all know must be done in order to reduce emissions: weatherization, building local renewable infrastructure to generate and store electricity, public transportation, renewable heating systems, electric vehicles and charging stations.
The top 5% of Vermont taxpayers are collectively enjoying windfall savings of $237 million a year as a result of the Trump tax cuts. The Green New Deal – S. 311 will develop a fund to meet the climate challenge by imposing a tax surcharge of 1.6 – 1.75% on these taxpayers and these taxpayers alone. Senator Pollina estimates this strategy will raise about $30 million per year for each of the next five years, that is, for the duration of the Trump tax cuts.
This strategy will impose no broad based tax, no carbon tax and have no impact on the other 95% of Vermonters except that it will allow us to invest in the work we need to do to meet the climate crisis we all are facing and will do it by creating new, well-paying Vermont jobs.
In addition to Senator Pollina, this bill is sponsored by these 13 other Senators: Balint, Bray, Campion, Clarkson, Hardy, Hooker, Ingram, Lyons, McCormack, Pearson, Perchlik and White.
For S. 311 to start moving through the legislature to adoption, members of the Senate Natural Resources Committee must hear from Vermonters across the state, urging the Committee to begin holding hearings on the bill as soon as possible. That’s why we are asking you to write and call the members of the Senate Natural Resources Committee today and again every few days after today to tell them this is the legislation Vermont needs in order to move on Climate Action Now!
These are the members of the Committee we need to reach:
Senator Chris Bray, Chair: cbray@leg.state.vt.us (802) 453-3444
Senator Brian Campion, Vice-Chair: bcampion@leg. state.vt.us
Senator Mark MacDonald: mmacdonald@leg. state.vt.us (802) 272-1101
Senator John Rodgers: jrodgers@leg.state. vt.us (802) 525-4182
Senator Corey Parent: CParent@leg.state.vt. us (802) 370-0494
Move The Senate To Move On S.311 – The Green New Deal
For more information contact: UpperValleyAffinityGr oup@gmail.com
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