WEATHERIZE HANOVER is a new initiative from Sustainable Hanover to help residents save money, stay warm, and reduce their energy usage by weatherizing their homes. Launched in November 2019, Weatherize Hanover is also a key component in the Town’s campaign to reach 100% renewable electricity by 2030, followed by 100% renewable transportation, heating and cooling by 2050. Improved energy efficiency, achievable through weatherization, is crucial to achieving these goals.
Let us help you weatherize your home!
CLICK HERE to let Sustainable Hanover know you are considering weatherization this winter. We will contact you with information relevant to your project and enter you to win $100 toward the cost of your energy audit.
What does it mean to “Weatherize” my home?
Weatherizing your home involves making physical home improvements—such as insulation and air sealing—to reduce energy costs, improve comfort, and resolve issues such as ice dams, moisture, mold, cold spots and drafts. Improvements often focus on basement and attic areas.
HOW do I weatherize my home?
Your first step is to identify and hire a specialized contractor who will perform an energy audit to assess your home’s current energy efficiency and identify the best energy saving opportunities for your home and budget. Scroll down to find upcoming events and a step-by-step guide.
How much will it COST?
Every home is different. Cost typically ranges from under $5,000 to over $12,000, with average energy savings of 20-25%. Alternatively, you might try some “do-it-yourself” energy efficiency improvements or invest in a deep energy retrofit to reduce energy use by 50% or more.
Rebates up to $4,000 (eligibility based on fuel use per square foot) are available from NHSaves on a first-come-first-serve basis. If interested, apply IMMEDIATELY at Weatherize Hanover and our associated contractors are available to ALL homeowners whether they participate in the rebate program or not.
This efficiency program is offered on a first come, first serve basis and funding is extremely limited for Liberty Utilities customers in 2020. Interested residents should visit IMMEDIATELY (no need to wait until the Dec. 5 event) to check their eligibility and submit the application. This will get you on the 2020 waitlist. Download our NHSaves Rebate Guide for step-by-step instructions.
Weatherize Contractor Night | Wednesday, January 15, 6:30-8 pm at the Black Community Center
Meet and chat with the qualified contractors on the Weatherize Hanover contact list. Vital Communities will also give a presentation on the basics of home energy efficiency and weatherization, including the costs and benefits of investing in air sealing and insulation upgrades. Light refreshments provided. Snow date (if needed) Wed. Jan. 22, 6:30-8 pm at Howe Library (Mayer Room) See for details.
Click here for more information.
Who to Contact if You Have Questions
- Your contractor is the best resource for questions about your home or your weatherize work scope.
- Mercedes Olster (, 603-369-4834) is on the team that receives and accepts NHSaves rebate applications for Liberty Utilities. Mercedes can answer questions about your NHSaves application, confirm your status on the rebate wait list and handle any problems you may have with your NHSaves contractor.
- Sarah Brock (, 802-291-9100 x109) is Energy Team Leader at Vital Communities and has helped dozens of homeowners navigate their weatherization projects. She can answer any of your general questions.
- The Weatherize Hanover volunteer team – We’re happy to help in any way we can, including connecting you with neighbors who have already weatherized their homes. Contact us at
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