Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

Senator Tim Ashe to Speak at Energy & Climate Action Conference at Lake Morey

12th Annual VECAN conference
Saturday, Dec. 7 at Lake Morey Resort
What: 12th Annual Community Energy and Climate Action Conference put on by VECAN (Vermont Energy and Climate Action Network), a program of the Vermont Natural Resources Council.
Who: Town energy committees, local energy leaders, clean energy businesses, organizations, state agency partners, and any Vermonter who wants to play a role in solving the climate crisis.
When: This Saturday, December 7
Time: 9am – 4:30pm. Find the full agenda here:
HighlightsAt 3:15pm, Senator Pro Tempore Tim Ashe will speak on the theme of Combating Climate Change in Every Committee Room: A 2020 Legislative Preview.
Contact: Please contact Stephanie Gomory in advance at or by phone (802-505-5587) day-of to arrange interviews and access.

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