This August, Monadnock Food Co-op will join over 100 partners throughout the state to highlight New Hampshire Eat Local Month — a month-long celebration of local food and New Hampshire farmers and food producers. Increased interest in local food benefits us all by positively affecting the health of the economy, communities, and environment.
“New Hampshire residents and visitors, alike, are showing unprecedented interest in local food, and this month-long celebration offers a great opportunity to feature New Hampshire grown foods and farms,” said Gail McWilliam Jellie from the New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food.
As part of the NH Eat Local Month festivities, the co-op will co-sponsor this year’s Feast On This Film Festival and Monadnock Farm Tour August 24 – 26 with Monadnock Farm & Community Coalition. The co-op will also offer tastings and specials that highlight locally grown, raised and made products throughout the month. Find event details at nheatlocal.
NH Eat Local Month also coincides with National Farmers’ Market Week, honoring farmers’ markets all across America. Other activities include a statewide virtual scavenger hunt, buy local campaign, story sharing from farmers and businesses, and events hosted by NH Eat Local Month partners.
Find more information at To become a NH Eat Local Month partner, contact Samantha Cave at
Promotion of this year’s NH Eat Local Month is in collaboration with the NH Food Alliance, the New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food, Seacoast Eat Local and the Monadnock Food Co-op.
“Eat Local Month highlights the work our co-op does year-round to support a vibrant local food system,” said General Manager Michael Faber. “We are proud to participate again this year — and to be an integral part of the statewide organizing team.”
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