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Vermont Green Transportation Challenge Incentive Program for K-12 Schools

May 22 Deadline to Sign-up and Earn Points for a Chance to Win

Walk to School Day, Miller’s Run School, Sheffield, VT Credit: Soph Hall

Deb Sachs

Way to Go! to School, an award winning, incentive-based program encourages everyone to make smart travel choices to school (i.e., walk, bike, carpool and take the bus). Already, 72 schools and more than 20,000 faculty, staff and students are participating in the 2018/19 Way to Go! School Challenge. Schools are battling the growing carbon pollution problem by demonstrating how active or sustainable transportation habits really add up to hundreds of thousands of pounds of greenhouse gas emission savings!

Organizers have designed this interactive program to support green transportation efforts in Vermont K-12 schools. Beyond travel behavior, Local Motion, Vermont Energy Education Program and others are helping develop school travel plans and organizing pop-up demonstration projects to improve infrastructure for walking and biking.

Edmunds Middle School in Burlington, for example, installed a pop-up protected bike lane, and Rutland’s Christ the King School added curb extensions to calm traffic. In both cases, the school and community came together to install temporary materials to improve safety for students wishing to travel to school on foot and by bike.

There is still time for others to sign-up and earn points until May 22. A special incentive to all schools is offered if they sign-up by Wednesday, May 22 for a chance to win 25 pairs of Darn Tough Socks (to be raffled to six lucky schools). We encourage administrators, public health professionals, educators, parents and volunteers to check the status of their school at

Rutland Christ the King School, Rutland, VT– Popup Project organized by school volunteers, VEEP, and Local Motion. Credit: Allegra Williams

How It Works: Participation in Way to Go! is easy and free. It’s designed to engage all ages and Vermont schools to make incremental steps to save money and reduce environmental impacts through greener travel options, including riding the bus and carpooling. Identify a school coordinator, sign-up, select a fun activity like “snowshoeing to school”, or simply choose to do one or more transportation-related activity from the broad menu of activities.

Report all activities and earn points for great incentives like free helmets and bike racks. Fifty points gets your school in the running for grand prizes: AllEarth PowerFlower and QOR360 active chairs! Learn how it works, how to earn credits and earn prizes at . We are ready to support the good work you are doing with technical expertise and incentives, rewards and recognition for actions that makes a difference, no matter how small.

It’s Go Time! Upcoming events to help you in your work are listed below. Mark your calendars!

April 11th is the Safe Routes to School, Safe Routes for All Annual Gathering, where Way to Go! affiliates are invited to network and learn. Participants will gather at the Granite Museum, Barre, Vermont. RSVP and learn more at This event is free and open to the public. Breakfast and lunch will be served.

May 6-17th is the Way to Go! to School Challenge, two weeks for all K-12 schools to enjoy active transportation, encourage everyone to travel green and send us your pictures and stories.

May 2019 is Vermont Bike Walk Challenge – Learn more and join the Green Rewards Program at

June 5th is the 2019 Way to Go! School Challenge Awards and Transportation Fair at the Statehouse in Montpelier, VT. Join schools across Vermont for a fun day of learning and recognition. Those achieving 50 points or more will be recognized by Way to Go! and invited dignitaries.

Way to Go! is sponsored by the Vermont Agency of Transportation and Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission and supported by a broad network of statewide entities, NGOs and business partners including Local Motion, Vermont Energy Education Program, Department of Health, Net Zero Vermont and Place Creative. Together we are leveraging resources, sharing experiences through the growing network of educators, volunteers, and wellness coordinators all working to make a difference.

Questions? Ask Deb Sachs at or phone 802-238-9807. For more details visit, 800.685.RIDE (7433).

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