Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

At the VECAN Conference: an Afternoon Workshop

Communicating Beyond the Choir:
Persuading Policy Makers and More People to Act

People’s Climate March 2014 (Wikimedia Commons)

This workshop will be presented by Michael Shank, Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance / Urban Sustainability Directors Network.

Want to learn to make the choir sing but also dramatically expand the chorus on climate action? Want tested tips and strategies on how to make this happen? This workshop offers a unique opportunity to get an in-depth training from a leading national communications expert about what works to inspire far more people — especially those who hold the purse strings — to invest in clean energy and act on climate. Find out what has worked to motivate municipal officials across the nation to take dramatic action — and what you and your community can do to catalyze that kind of leadership.

We at Green Energy Times think that the VECAN Conference is one of Vermont’s best renewable energy events. We recommend that everyone consider attending.

This year’s conference will again be held at beautiful Lake Morey Resort in Fairlee, Vermont. It will be on Saturday, December 1st from 9 AM to 4:30 PM.

See Conference Workshop Descriptions here!


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