Land Use, Transportation,
and Housing for Low Carbon Communities
This workshop will be given by Kate McCarthy of the Vermont Natural Resources Council, Deb Sachs of EcoStrategies, and Eileen Peltier of Downstreet Housing
Smart growth approaches to land use are a cornerstone to decarbonizing our communities. At the center of climate friendly communities is the integration of good land use policies, the creation of transportation choices, the consideration of location efficiency and, importantly, housing, including affordable housing. This workshop will focus on these important solutions and policies communities can and should put in place to help accelerate the transition to vibrant zero net energy communities.
We at Green Energy Times think that the VECAN Conference is one of Vermont’s best renewable energy events. We recommend that everyone consider attending.
This year’s conference will again be held at beautiful Lake Morey Resort in Fairlee, Vermont. It will be on Saturday, December 1st from 9 AM to 4:30 PM.
See Conference Workshop Descriptions here!
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