Do you know if the water at your kid’s school is safe from lead?
Check out the Back to School Toolkit to get the lead out of our schools.
Lead is highly toxic, especially for children. There is no safe level for lead in water—even small amounts can have major consequences. The only way to ensure that kids aren’t affected is to get the lead out of schools altogether. This is why schools shouldn’t wait for tests to confirm that kids are drinking lead-laced water. They should proactively use filters and remove lead-bearing parts.
Next door in Massachusetts, roughly half of 67,000 taps tested at schools had lead in their water.1
The Back to School Toolkit is designed to help parents, teachers and school officials get the facts on lead in drinking water and make the case for strong local action to ensure safe drinking water at school. We’re proud to partner with Environment America to get this toolkit into parents’ hands.
There are immediate steps that schools can take to protect kids from lead. Schools can install filters and start regularly testing all water sources used for drinking and cooking. Of course, the safest, permanent solution is removing the lead pipes for good.
But it’s up to us to push schools to act. We’ve seen that when concerned parents and neighbors come together and organize, it’s possible to make the changes we need to keep our kids safe. Let’s take action to ensure the healthy learning environment that our kids deserve.
Sylvia Broude
Executive Director, Toxics Action Center
1See the Back to School Toolkit for more.
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