Student Reflections: Dartmouth’s Energy Immersion Trip to Appalachia
Thursday, May 10th
Pizza lunch
Goldstein Hall – Occom Commons
RSVP: Here
This March, nine students, one staff member, and one alumnus traveled to West Virginia and Kentucky to tour the region’s energy systems. The spring break trip was the first in a series of Energy Immersion Trips developed by the Dartmouth Sustainability Office and the Irving Institute for Energy and Society to provide students in-depth opportunities to examine energy from a variety of different perspectives and to explore future pathways.
Students examined first-hand the intersections of natural resource extraction, policy, economics, health, and culture in the Appalachia region. The group met with landowners, decision makers, community organizers, watch dog groups, environmental and social justice activists and leaders in the extraction industry. Come hear from a panel of students who went on this trip. They will share reflections, stories, challenges, and facilitate a discussion on future energy learning experiences.
Thank you, The Dartmouth Energy Collaborative
(The Dartmouth Energy Collaborative is co-sponsored by the Arthur L. Irving Institute for Energy and Society, the Revers Center for Energy and the Dartmouth Sustainability Office)
Please contact Kristin Miller at with questions.
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