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NY-GEO 2018
The conference you can’t afford to miss…
Meet America’s Premier Heat Pump Manufacturers:
Waterfurnace, Enertech, Eartlinked, GeoSmart, Bosch, and GeoStar Visit their exhibits and learn what’s next at the Manufacturer’s Panel on Day 2. Renewable jobs are the hot spot in America’s economy. They will get hotter as geothermal heating & cooling moves quickly into the mainstream. Get the inside scoop on how these Americanmanufacturers are seeing the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
Join us for the fourth annual NY-GEO Renewable Heating & Cooling Conference at the Radisson in Albany, New York on April 18 & 19!
The NY-GEO annual conference is the best place to learn how to heat and cool without burning fossil fuels while meeting the movers and shakers of the industry as New York begins to embrace this incredible opportunity.
Join us for a fantastic program that will help policy makers, installers, organizers, architects, clean energy activists, contractors, building owners and mangers, engineers and more to plug into the renewable heat momentum building in New York and across the northeast!
We urge you to register soon. Exhibit space is sold out. There is just one prime sponsor slotstill open. Ad space in our program booklet is still open but the deadline for reserving ads is March 26th.
We have scholarship funds to help if our admission price is more than you can afford, but those funds will run out soon.
For Building Professionals:
NY-GEO 2018 provides 5 AIA, PDH, BPI or LEED (self reporting) continuing education credits. Three of the classes will be taught by Steve Kavanaugh – co-author of the ASHRAE published Geothermal Heating and Cooling: Design of Ground Source Heat Pump Systems (2014). Click here for a description of his classes.
Also, check out our contest – Who can give the most concise, accurate and inspiring description for how geo works? Entries end 4/19/18.
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