Renewable Heat Now is a campaign organized by Alliance for a Green Economy, New Yorkers for Clean Power, NY-GEO, HeatSmart Tompkins, Sane Energy Project, and Frack Action. The organizations are working together to accelerate the adoption of ground-source (geothermal) and air-source heat pumps in New York State to reduce the amount of fossil fuels used to heat and cool homes and workplaces. The campaign educates the public about heat pumps and also advocate for New York State policies that will enable all New Yorkers to afford to make the switch to these renewable-ready heating and cooling technologies.
Heating our buildings accounts for almost 40% of the greenhouse gas emissions in New York State. To meet NY’s goals of a 40% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030, a rapidly shift off of oil and gas for heating homes & other buildings in NY must be made. Ground-source (geothermal) and air-source efficient-electric heat pumps are a great heating & cooling solution for New York.
Join the Renewable Heat Now rally and press conference in Albany, NY on Wednesday, December 6 when the campaign is taken to the Million Dollar Staircase. Afterward, signed petitions will be brought to Governor Cuomo.
- Here is the Facebook link for the Nov 27, 7:00pm Rally Prep/Info Session(join by phone or by computer):
- And here is the Facebook event for the December 6 Rally: Off Oil & Gas, Renewable Heat Now!
- Carpool sign-up site:
- There is a bus coming from NYC, stopping in White Plains and New Paltz:
- Here is a link to TWO IMPORTANT PETITIONS for everyone to sign by Dec 4 (to be delivered to Governor Cuomo on Dec 6):
Petition for Affordable Renewable Heat in NY:
Petition to Stop the Sheridan Hollow Fracked Gas Power Plant:
Please have folks sign both. BOTH are important! Thanksgiving is a perfect time to recruit family and friend signatures.
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