In June, Governor Scott launched the Vermont Outdoor Recreation Economic Collaborative (VOREC) to engage stakeholders in a public conversation about recreation, the Vermont economy, and stewardship of our natural resources.
Over the next two months, VOREC is hosting seven public forums to gather input from the public – you! – about how to leverage and strengthen Vermont’s outdoor recreation assets to grow the economy.
Attend the VOREC public meeting near you and ask Vermont’s decision makers take substantial action:
- Healthy and intact forestlands are vital to maintaining quality recreational opportunities and our outdoor tourism economy.
- Safeguard our natural resources and infrastructure through strategic conservation of more public and private land that is fundamental to Vermont’s economic vitality.
- Permanently protect local, regional, and statewide trail networks to give communities, organizations, and volunteers the security to invest time and money into their stewardship.
- Make a greater investment of public and private dollars to the stewardship of our public lands and trail networks.
- Make sure all Vermonters have safe, local access to recreational opportunities and open space.
- Vermont’s economy benefits from our shared love of the outdoors, but climate change threatens the future of Vermont’s outdoor recreation economy. Vermont needs to take substantive action on climate to support our tourism economy and protect investments already made in recreation facilities.
- Many of our Vermont communities are dependent upon thriving local recreation economies. This means making sure there are places that are permanently around for people to bike, hike, bird watch, and more.
All meetings are open to the public and take place from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., as follows:
- Tues., Sept. 12 – Waterbury: The Best Western, 45 Blush Hill Road
- Mon., Sept. 25 – Island Pond: Island Pond Town Hall, 49 Mill St.
- Tues., Oct. 3 – Rutland: Community College of Vermont, 60 West Street
- Tues., Oct. 10 – St. Albans: City Hall, 100 North Main St.
- Mon., Oct. 16 – East Dummerston: Evening Star Grange, 1008 East-West Road
- Mon., Oct. 23 – White River Junction: Hartford Town Hall, 171 Bride Street
- Tues., Oct. 24 – Arlington: West Mountain Inn, 144 West Mountain Inn Road
Please RSVP and let us know you plan to attend.
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