WHOI and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s Office of Environmental Programs will host a discussion on BOEM’s mission to manage development of U.S. outer continental shelf energy and mineral resources, with a focus on using the best available scientific research to inform decisions. Presenters will include Dr. William Y. (Bill) Brown, BOEM’s Chief Environmental Officer, and Dr. Jill Lewandowski, Chief of the Division of Environmental Assessment. WHOI scientists will present several relevant projects the Institution is leading in the Northeast, including the newly funded long-term ecological research (LTER) offshore observatory off the East Coast, offshore wind power investigations, and work on marine mammal monitoring and behavior. The forum is free and will be held Tuesday, July 11, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m., in Redfield Auditorium, at 45 Water St., in Woods Hole.
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