Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere
Citizens’ Climate Lobby’s New Hampshire Chapter for the South-central Region: Annual Meeting
Monthly Meeting
April 20, 2017
Hooksett Public Library
6pm – 7:30pm
Are you concerned about climate change, natural gas pipelines, US jobs, or national security? Civic engagement is required to enable the shift in energy policy away from fossil fuels that is needed to address all those issues. Discover a market-based, revenue neutral solution that will help the economy and make us healthier and safer without growing government at Browse the ‘About’ and ‘Our Climate Solution’ sections, hit the ‘Join CCL’ button, and then join us at the Hooksett Public Library on April 20, from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm. Our local CCL group site is
Canary Media  Canary Media is an independent, nonprofit newsroom covering the transition to clean energy and solutions to the climate crisis.
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