Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

Capital Region Meeting of the New York Solar Energy Society


Tour of Union College’s Co-generation Plant
Union College, Schenectady, NY

Wednesday, March 29th, 2017
10:00 AM -11:30 AM

Marc Donovan, assistant director of facilities, will lead the tour of the one year old $12 million dollar co-generation plant that produces an average of 78% of Union’s total energy.  Here is a good article for background reading

Meet at the east side of the existing boiler plant across from the hockey rink and football stadium. Parking available at the corner of Seward Place and Nott St. (9 minute walk)
For more information:
NYSES welcomes renewable energy installers, building efficiency experts, teachers, professional engineers, homebuilders, architects, advocates, students and all interested community members.
Wondering about the technology behind renewable energy? Please join NYSES at the monthly noontime Capital Region meeting of the New York Solar Energy Society.   We tackle solar cooking, solar heating, solar hot water, wind, ground source heat transfer (“geothermal”) and tidal and wave technology. And, we won’t leave out the deep energy retrofits for homes and the importance of mass transportation and electric vehicles.

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