Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

2017 Microgrid and DER Controller Symposium

Hosted by the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center and MIT Lincoln Labs, the 2017 Microgrid Symposium and Expo will take place on Thursday, February 16 at MIT. The event highlights microgrid controllers, a key component of microgrids, which are high-performing power grids that can separate, or “island” from the broader electricity grid in the event of a grid failure. More than 350 participants including microgrid vendors, utility executives and engineers, and state and national energy leaders are scheduled to attend. The event will feature photo opportunities of live demonstrations by vendors including General Electric, Schneider Electric, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL), and Eaton Corporation.

WHAT:           2017 Microgrid Symposium and Expo

WHO:              Participating technology companies: Typhoon HIL, OPAL – RT Technologies, Speedgoat/Mathworks, Center for Advanced Power Systems, Florida State University, Austrian Institute of Technology, MIT Smart Grid in a Room Simulator, RTDS Technologies/Nayak Corporation and Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories.

WHEN:           February 16, 2017, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM, MIT Samberg Conference Center, 50 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA 02139




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