Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

VECAN Conference Registration is Open


Registration is open! Don’t miss the best Community Energy and Climate Action Conference yet! It’s coming right up:

When: December 3, 2016 9:00a.m. to 4:30 p.m
Where: Lake Morey Inn – Fairlee, Vermont
REGISTER TODAY!  This inspiring conference emphasizes clean energy and climate action strategies that Vermonters can implement locally — and beyond. Find out much more about the day’s agenda – including an amazing keynote! – and register today.

The theme of the day is: Local Leadership, Local Action: Partnering to Get to 90 by 2050. As always, we will offer an array of workshops, from Effectively Engaging Schools on Energy Initiatives to Making Vermont’s Clean Energy Transition Accessible for Low Income Earners; from Getting to Net Zero Communities to Creating Vermont’s Future Energy System.

There is an amazing keynote – Søren Hermansen. Soren is the Director of the Energy Academy on the island of Samsø, Denmark – a 100 percent renewably powered community. Mr. Hermansen was a driving force behind the island achieving its energy independence and, among his many recognitions, was named one of the ‘Heroes of the Environment’ by Time Magazine in 2008. You won’t want to miss what Soren has to say about how local leadership, paired with forward-looking policies and project innovators, made this accomplishment possible.

The conference also offers unparalleled networking opportunities, both with local energy leaders and Vermont’s leading clean energy businesses, organizations, institutions and state agency partners who generously help make this day possible.

Register today.Early registration prices end November 22!


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