Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

Lakes Region Community College Free Teacher Energy Workshop Nov. 10

Making NGSS More Meaningful for Students:
Creating Energy and Climate Change Story Lines with VEEP and LRCC
Thursday, November 10, 2016, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm  at LRCC in Laconia
Preregistration required:    (UNH Events)

Nov10'16 Teacher PD


The highly successful Vermont Energy Education Program will be guiding teachers to develop lessons and activities that help students “figure out” instead of “learn about” science and energy.  Participants will take part in electricity investigations, wind, solar, and hydro challenges, climate science modeling, and using energy equipment.

This workshop is made available at no cost to participants with grant support from the UNH EPSCoR program.  Thank you also to NH Science Teachers Association for their co-sponsorship.  For more information contact VEEP’s Jess Angell, or LRCC’s Andy Duncan.

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