Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

A Note from the Publisher: Help Determine Questions for Next Presidential Debate

Dear Readers of Green Energy Times,

The first presidential debate is behind us, with only minor mention of some of the critical science issues of our day. The next president must be prepared to defend science-based laws, such as the Clean Air Act, from attacks; strengthen government scientists’ ability to do their jobs through better scientific integrity protections; support reforms that rein in special interest influence on government; and more—none of which were topics in the first debate.

But now you can help determine the questions the candidates are asked.

The next debate on Sunday, October 9, will be a town hall and the moderating networks, ABC and CNN, have agreed to accept questions voted on through the internet. This is your chance to know how the candidates plan to address the most serious issues facing Americans today, including food security, climate change, nuclear arms, and energy and vehicle development.

Simply go to Open Debates and search for your favorite topic. Once you find a question you like, click to vote for it. While it’s better to vote for questions that are already submitted, if you don’t see a question on your topic, you should feel free to submit your own.

Not sure what to ask? Check out our top questions for the candidates.

The next president will be leading a nation that is facing critical and complex challenges. Let’s work together to hold the candidates accountable so they commit to using independent science to protect our health, safety, and environment once they arrive in office.

All of us here at Green Energy Times

P.S. Deadlines to register to vote are swiftly approaching—in some states it’s as early as this Saturday! In a democracy, nothing is more important than the simple act of voting. Make sure you’ll have the chance—register to vote today…and mark your calendar for Election Day: Tuesday, November 8.

Please vote for every option to address climate change — this is the most important issue all of us in this country and around the world have ever had to face. We need a leader that will take this as seriously as it is…   Thanks for your help to get your vote counted for the questions at the next presidential debate!

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