Powell Honored for her Leadership Transforming the Electrical Grid
Colchester, VT – Fast Company today announced its annual ranking of the 100 Most Creative People in Business for 2016. Green Mountain Power CEO and President Mary Powell was selected to be on the list for her transformational leadership, helping customers transition away from the traditional grid. The magazine cited GMP’s innovation work, becoming the first utility to offer customers the Tesla Powerwall battery.
“This is a tremendous honor, and speaks to the cutting edge work taking place in Vermont to lead the way on a new energy future,” said GMP CEO and President Mary Powell. “As Vermont’s energy company of the future, GMP is partnering with customers on an exciting energy transformation that moves away from the 100-year-old grid system, to a new one that is more reliable, sustainable and cost-effective.”
The magazine each year selects 100 visionary leaders. The goal is to highlight people putting ideas into action to create new opportunities and driving change within their own industries. Powell is No. 32. The No. 1 spot on the list this year is Lin-Manuel Miranda, the composer, lyricist, and star of Broadway’s Hamilton. The 2016 honorees are from a vast range of industries, from tech and design to energy, media, government and food, and they span the world from India to Costa Rica, Turkey, and Nigeria.
The full list is available here: http://www.fastcompany.com/most-creative-people/2016
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