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Prescott Farm welcomes Master Herbalist Melissa Morrison

Melissa Morrison of Dragonfly Botanicals next month to lead the Herbal Pathfinder Series:

Exploring the Natural World of Herbs

perennial-sunflower-helianthus-100_1276Laconia, NH: Foray into the wild and tame world of herbs at Prescott Farm with Master Herbalist, Melissa Morrison starting Saturday, May 14 from 10:00am – 12:30pm. The Herbal Pathfinder Series: Exploring the Natural World of Herbs will be a series of six classes (once a month, May through October) in which students will learn how to identify herb medicine plants of the fields & forest, how to harvest and then use the herbs in preparations for pleasure and medicine.  Come to learn, come to enjoy the seasons and play with the herbs! You may register for one class or the entire series. All classes will take place at Prescott Farm located on 928 White Oaks Road.

May’s class will focus on beginnings! The herbs are poking up through the earth for discovery, giving us their wisdom for healing and food.  Students will learn how to identify herb and woodland plants then move into the classroom to make teas, tissanes, and decoctions for healing and health. For more information on the rest of the Herbal Pathfinder Series programs offered June-October please go to

About Melissa: Melissa Morrison M.H. is the practicing clinical herbalist & educator of Dragonfly Botanicals Wisdom Center, Belmont NH. From childhood on, Melissa has had training in the Medicine ways of the First Peoples, NH Folk Healer Tradition, & the Vitalist Herbal Tradition. Melissa offers herb/alternative health classes, apprenticeship, & private clinical herb health consultations. Melissa has taught alternative/herbal healing modalities around the NorthEast and Sage Mountain Herbal Retreat Center in VT.

Prescott Farm is a non-profit organization that offers environmental education for all ages throughout the year including WildQuest camps, public programs, field trips, long-term partnerships with local elementary schools and NOW Fledglings Nature-Based Preschool. The 160 acre historic family farm features woodland and field trails, a “green” building with geothermal and solar energy systems, historic barns, an old-fashioned maple sugaring operation (during the month of March), heritage gardens, and forested pond. Prescott Farm is open year round, seven days a week from 9:00 – 4:00PM. It is free to come and go for a hike, explore the “green” building and play in the Natural Playscape (Grand Opening is May 14).

Registration is required for these classes and can be made online at or by calling 603-366-5695. Students have the option of signing up for individual herb classes or the full herb series. The cost is $35 ($33 for Members of Prescott Farm) per class or $180 for the six-class series.

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