Turning Ideas into Action – Special Announcement
Upcoming LES Webinar: Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
The How and Why of Using Proceeds from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative to Reduce Your Town & School Energy Costs
February 10, 2016
Register Today!
The state legislature saw to it that $2 million is allocated annually to town and school energy efficiency projects from the New Hampshire Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative proceeds. Changes may be in store for this allocation, meaning good news for local governments. Join this webinar to get a brief background on the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative; legislation this year and what it might mean for local governments, and how to access the funding for your local government project. As a bonus, while energy projects will reduce operations costs attendees will learn the connection your town may have to the climate agreement struck in Paris last December.
- Jim O’Brien, The Nature Conservancy
- Roger Stephenson, Environmental Defense Fund
Register Here!
About the Local Energy Solutions Work Group (LES Work Group)
Our mission is to provide collaborative guidance and technical support to Local Energy Committees & Commissions (LEC’s), municipalities, schools, and other political subdivisions* seeking to reduce energy use, minimize energy costs, and/or reduce fossil-fuel consumption. Consider joining our efforts: contact Leigh Cameron for more information on the LES Work Group’s efforts and opportunities for participation.
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