June Update by Stephen Andersen
Community Solar, also known as “solarize,” is ramping up for the summer! Your fellow citizens are working together to drive down the cost of solar electric installations, as well as to reduce the complexity of the purchase decision.
For the last several months, citizens have been working together to prepare for this summer. They have sent out requests for proposals to area solar installers, and have selected installers to work with. Costs for solar installations are coming down. In addition, the volunteers are helping people to understand solar energy. Public presentations are being scheduled, where questions about solar energy will be answered. Also at these presentations, the specifics of how to request a solar proposal for your home will be shared.
Solarize campaigns also encourage neighbors to get to know one another. As homeowners install solar power, neighbors are inspired by their example. People talk together and learn from each other. Neighborhoods are strengthened.
Whether you want solar on your home, or want to support one of these campaigns with your volunteer hours, check them out!
Albany County. Now that the Solarize Albany installer has been selected, Apex Solar (apexsolarpower.com/), the Solarize Team is focused on getting the word out about the program across Albany County. Volunteers are holding public presentations in an effort to reach as many people as they can. If you or your organization would like to schedule a presentation from Solarize Albany, please let them know. If you want to help Solarize Albany spread the word about solar in Albany County, contact Dave or come to the weekly Solarize meeting (Thursday, 6 to 8pm) at the Honest Weight Food Co-op, 100 Watervliet Avenue in Albany.
Contact: Dave Hochfelder: 848-391-9103. solarizealbany@gmail.com. SolarizeAlbany.org.
Rensselaer County. Solarize Troy has selected Monolith Solar of Rensselaer NY (monolithsolar.com/) as its designated solar installer for the 2015 season, which will end September 15, and in a separate program for low and moderate income homeowners within the City of Troy, Grid Alternatives of California was selected as the vendor. Solarize Troy covers all of Rensselaer County. Pricing has been established, which will provide up to 20% discount, if our target volume is reached. All US-made equipment will be used. Twelve solar workshops and house parties have been held so far and will continue throughout summer. Join us! More at: xtroy.org/solarize.
Contact Jean Howard 518 833-0744. solarize@xtroy.org. solarizetroy..org
Saratoga Springs. Solarize Saratoga is working to finalize installer selection by June 5, to offer customers both purchasing and leasing options. The Solarize Team is having regular weekly meetings and actively enlisting volunteers focused on getting the word out about the program in the City of Saratoga Springs and adjacent communities. Please visit our table on Saturday morning at the farmer’s market at High Rock Park to learn more and sign up for a free site assessment. A launch party of Solarize Saratoga will take place later in June and we are currently scheduling presentations with community organizations, builders, realtors, and appraisers in an effort to reach as many people as we can. If you or your organization would like to schedule a presentation from Solarize Saratoga, please let us know. If you want to help Solarize Albany spread the word about solar in Saratoga Springs, contact Rayna for more information on the weekly Solarize meeting (Wednesday 6 to 8pm).
Contact: Rayna Caldwell: 518.424.9304. solarizesaratoga.org/. info@solarizesaratoga.org
Schoharie County. Solar Works Schoharie is continuing the successful program that they started in previous years. Selected installer: Revolution Solar (revolutionsolarny.com/)
Contact: Sandy MacKay: 518 234-2817. solarworks@midtel.net. solarworksschoharie.org/.
Also, there are two other campaigns that are just starting up. If you are want to support solar in these areas, please reach out to the contact person!
The southern Saratoga County Campaign is forming their team and there is room for more enthusiastic people to help. It includes Clifton Park, Mechanicville, Stillwater and Halfmoon. Installer: non selected yet. website: na. Contact: Joanne Coons: 518- 522-3173. coonjoan@gmail.com
Schenectady County. Solarize Schenectady is in its formative stage, with new members welcome to expedite its progress. Installer: non selected yet. website: na. Contact: Gary Lessard; 518.346.2290. lessardgary@gmail.com.
Stephen Anderson volunteers his time to plantseeds of Solarize projects in the Capital Region and plans a significan role in inspiring each project. His background in solar includes having graduated from the Hudson Valley Community College Solar PV program and he is NABCEP certified.
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