Friday, June 5 in the Gathering Room, upstairs at the Upper Valley Food Co-op
Brain Buzz!
Join Dartmouth Grad student, Jacob Heiling, who will be talking about Mutualisms in Nature.
- Species interactions occur on a continuum
- Cooperation is an emergent property of interactions between “self-interested” partners
- Cooperative interactions (or “mutualisms”) can be thought of as barter transactions between species
- What happens when one partner “cheats”? Are there sanctions against this?
5:30pm, upstairs in the Co-op’s Gathering Room
This is a FREE forum. Coffee & Tea provided!
– Reminder about library hours –
Our library of Sustainable Living Resources will be open and available to members during Open Hours. Tuesdays: 10am to noon; Wednesdays: 4 to 6pm; Saturdays: 2 to 4pm. Come check out our selection of books and DVDs.
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