Voted to Fully Restore the Renewable Energy Fund
Statement of Kate Epsen
Executive Director, New Hampshire Sustainable Energy Association and
NH CleanTech Council
On NH Senate Finance Vote Today to Fully Restore
NH’s Renewable Energy Fund
Today’s bipartisan 6-0 vote to restore the full balance of the dedicated Renewable Energy Fund and not raid it is a great step forward toward ensuring the intended use of these critical funds: namely to enable businesses, towns, and citizens to lower their energy costs, lower local taxes, and keep our energy dollars here in NH. This is a vote for our economy, our jobs, and for renewed trust in state government and our constitution.
The discussion among Senate Finance Committee members preceding the vote to delete sections 363-365 in the state’s biennium budget indicated strong support for this economically vital, job-creating dedicated fund. Senators commented that a raid would be the wrong way to build a budget and noted that twice this year the Senate has supported bills to protect dedicated funds. They also correctly recognized that renewable energy companies are making good use of the Renewable Energy Fund. Today’s unanimous Committee vote shows that Senate leadership in both parties values this dedicated energy fund and recognizes its important role in our economy.
We commend the Senate for honoring their on-record commitment to protect the integrity of dedicated funds in crafting New Hampshire’s budget. And we urge the full Senate, Committee of Conference, and Governor to stand behind today’s vote and uphold that commitment to protect this fund, support our businesses, and grow our economy.
May 13, 2015
Kate Epsen
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