Mick Dunn
Solar Air Heating 2.0
Wednesday, March 04, 2015
2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
Commercial & Institutional
You think trombe walls are a relic of the 70s, right? Using extensive data from multiple case studies throughout Maine, New Hampshire & Massachusetts, including a high school, a fire station and a public works facility, this session will review the potential of modern commercial and industrial solar air heating in the Northeast. We will examine cost and performance viability with live and historical energy, temperature and air flow data as well as explore the impacts of design variations such as collector types, air flow rates, system sizes and HVAC design. The session will also compare system designs such as transpired metal, transpired glazing and glazed recirculating collectors. Attendees will develop an understanding of where this technology is best used, how to integrate it and the cost-payback potential against various fuel types.
To learn more about NESEA’s BuildingEnergy 15 conference and see more speakers and programs, follow THIS LINK.
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