There’s literally no time to waste, so I’m going to get right to it: The Keystone XL pipeline, the massive environmental threat that we’ve been battling against for years, will be voted on in the House today. A Senate vote is also on the way, so now more than ever we need our voices to be heard if we are going to stop this pipeline.
You and I know the facts — Keystone poses a huge risk to our lands, water, climate, and our planet’s future. Tar sands oil is the dirtiest fuel on the planet, and with an atrocious safety record for the company behind Keystone XL, spills in America’s heartland could be imminent. There’s no question about it: Keystone is all risk and no reward. We have just hours to act.
Our country has relied on dirty fossil fuels for too long. There was a time when it seemed there was no way around using fossil fuels for energy, but that’s not the case anymore. So why are so many members of Congresshell-bent on continuing to invest in dirty oil?
There have been enormous advancements in clean energy, and President Obama has made it clear that our country needs to act on climate changenow. From the EPA’s historic Clean Power Plan to Tuesday’s agreement with China to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, our country is moving forward in the fight against climate change.
But if Keystone XL is built, we will be taking a giant step backward. We will be playing right into Big Oil’s hands — keeping us addicted to oil is exactly what they need to pad their wallets even more. We can fight back, but we have to act now before the House votes today.
Time and time again we have marched, petitioned, and DEMANDED that the Keystone XL pipeline be rejected. And the incredible thing is that President Obama has heard us. That’s why when he announced his climate action plan last year, he emphasized that Keystone’s impact on climate change should determine whether or not the pipeline is built. Now we need to make sure our representatives in the House hear us too. There’s not a moment to spare — contact your member right now and tell them to vote NO on Keystone XL.
Nancy Rae, thank you for keeping up the fight. We can stop Keystone, but we can’t do it without you.
Kristin Brown
Director of Digital Strategy
League of Conservation Voters
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