Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

Harvesting Gratefulness

By Deborah DeMoulpied

South_Bend_Voice_-_2014_People's_Climate_March_crowd_with_banner_v2Just when some voices were asserting that climate change had lost its relevance, over 400,000 people marched in the largest climate-change event in history. New York City hosted the People’s Climate March which brought the discussion of global warming back to the front burner it should never have left.

Nicely timed to precede the United Nations Climate Summit, the march was the perfect opening act for the UN. It appears to have worked as media are actually covering the largest gathering of heads of state for climate change, at least more than usual and though a little late. Polls show that more Americans than ever accept that climate change is real, that it is significantly human-caused, and that it should be a priority for us all.

It seems the countries have finally stopped the finger-pointing and may actually be holding hands to confront the coming consequences of our follies. This is a global problem for which each person is part of the cause. We need global solutions to which every one of us can contribute. Fortunately, leaders are beginning to act serious.

The trends we can see in recent human history have brought about some terrible surprises, and we must live with the effects. Now that we know better, our future actions must be thoughtful of the outcome, not focused on the present. (Human evolution of foresight is a bit lacking.) While it could be easy to dwell on what could have been, should have been, and was not done, this is the time of year to appreciate the harvest with gratitude for what of good was planted. So here my list of thoughts for thanksgiving:

1 – Be grateful for all the enthusiastic people who joined The People’s Climate March and made an impact the world (and media) could not ignore.

2 – Be grateful for the leaders who are reaching out with both hands and are willing to come to the table, and take serious action.

3 – Be grateful to the scientists’ endless work and devotion.

4 – Be grateful for all the activists who have been working for decades to better the environment.

5 – Be grateful for the headway that has been made – energy efficiency, green building, renewable energy, land conservation, the “local” movement, and consumer consciousness.

6 – Be grateful for all involved – from the business that cares to the child who carefully recycles – for their dedication to the earth and all its inhabitants.

We can add up, we do add up and we will add up to make change.

Deborah DeMoulpied is owner and founder of Bona Fide Green Goods, an earth-friendly department store in Concord, NH. won the Webby Awards Green Honoree in 2011. Deborah is also faculty of the Anticancer Lifestyle Program, teaching patients about environmental toxins and healthful solutions.

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