Request for Presentations |
RE 2014 Conference and Expo: “Leading Change in Energy: The People, Policies, and Products”
About the Conference: The 2014 Vermont Renewable Energy Conference and Expo, scheduled for October 16 & 17, highlights current energy challenges, Vermont’s leadership role in the energy industry, and moving towards an integrated energy infrastructure addressing power, heating and transportation needs. The conference, typically drawing hundreds of attendees and exhibitors, is consistently the largest renewable energy event in Vermont, New Hampshire and Northern New York, bringing together business leaders, system operators, architects, builders, manufacturers, engineers, scientists, policy makers, and regulators. Both days will provide presentations that bring together previously disassociated and distinct energy fields. Sessions will include technical workshops and industry presentations on current policy, regulatory, financial issues, innovations, and case studies. The Expo Hall is free and open to the public.
Sheraton Hotel and Conference Center, Burlington, VT | Thursday and Friday, October 16 & 17, 2014
Submissions Due: April 29, 2014 at 9:00 AM EST.
Submittal Themes: Presentations and posters falling within the conference title, theme, audience member, and targeted areas listed below are invited for submittal.
Targeted Conference Audience: Architects, builders, developers, utilities, data management businesses, commercial & industrial businesses, non-profits, and Legislators. The Expo, free to the public, welcomes the general public who are looking for renewable energy information.
Targeted Areas of Interest: Integration of Total Energy Solutions (e.g. high performance mechanicals, storage, etc.), “What the Pros Want to Know,” Fundamentals, Market Place Policy, Grid Management, Energy Policy, Homes, Multi-family Buildings, Commercial/Institutional Facilities, Municipalities, etc.
Sectors | Technology Areas | Topic Areas |
Power, Heat, Transportation, Smart Grid | Solar, Solar Thermal, Wind, Heat Pumps, Bioenergy Technologies, Energy Storage, Electrified Transportation, Data Management, Web Integration, Emerging and Game Changing Technologies, Net Zero, Green Building, Whole Systems, High Performance Design | Design & Construction Best Practices, Policy (Total Energy Study, RPS, Thermal Goals, Carbon Tax), Regulatory (FERC Order 1000, Regional grid issues, Net-Metering, Feed In Tariff), Financial and Tax/Appraisal Updates, Tracking and Results, Retrofitting for Resilience, Siting, Stewardship, Adaptation, Code Compliance, Incorporating Renewables into New Construction (what do builders & architects need to know?), How to Sell Energy Products including High Performance Buildings, The Basics of Carbon Neutrality/Emissions and Biomass Use, Vermont’s Forest Resource and Environs, Sustainable Harvesting Practices & Vermont Forest Policy, Types of Bioenergy (Biofuels, Biogas, Biomass), Return on Investment of various energy options (traditional fuels, biomass utilization, solar electric, efficiency, wind, hydro, heat pumps, electric vehicles, etc.), the economics of efficiency & renewables integration, roadblocks to achieving 90% by 2050, new inverter designs, updates in health/safety/welfare credits, etc. |
NOTE: The Conference Review Committee frequently receives solar electric and policy presentations and appreciates these topic areas. As the energy sectors merge, the Conference Review Committee is actively seeking presentation ideas that address the practical and technical (as well as policy) requirements for integrating bioenergy, hydro, wind, efficiency, heat pump technologies, design, transportation, grid, storage, and data management topics to achieve Vermont’s energy goal of 90% of all Vermont energy needs provided through renewables by 2050. Please be creative, specific, and of high caliber.
What to Submit:
200-word abstracts must be submitted in Excel Worksheet (see template), with additional information provided as requested below:
- Title of Presentation
- Contact information for the primary author and co-author(s) – Name, title, business/organization name, e-mail, address, phone number and preferred form of contact. Please include any credentials you wish to have included.
- Speaker biography for the primary author (presenter) of no more than 50 words.
- Specify primary audience: commercial and industrial businesses; renewable industry business; renewable contractor; Town/RPC; Legislator; Architects, Builders, Utility Planners, Building Operators, etc.
- Specify experience level expected of audience member: beginner; intermediate; advanced.
- Suggested Accreditation: AIA with a learning objectives that address Health/Safety/Welfare, BPPA-VT, BPI, NABCEP, NNECAPA, Credits, etc.
- Presentation objectives – 4 Statements or Learning Objectives which describe what the attendee is expected to achieve as a result of attending your presentation. For example:
- Describes the information, tools, skills or perspectives attendees will acquire
- Clearly identifies the outcomes or actions attendees can expect to demonstrate
- Highlights which laws, building codes, health/safety/welfare credits, and technology updates will be addressed
- Text of submitted abstract: no more than 200 words. The final conference deliverable may be selected as part of an “Ignite session” (a presentation under five minutes), as part of a 20 minute presentation, or as a longer presentation – depending on presentation and relevance to Conference Theme. Uploading of supplemental information is allowed (i.e. Word or PDF document with graphs, charts, etc.). Please reference your preferred presentation timeline (“Ignite”, “20 minute / 15 slides”, “Longer presentation”).
How to Submit:
- Submit your abstract by emailing Including the subject line: “Abstract and Poster Submission: REV Conference 2014”. Keep a copy of your abstract text for reference.
- Once your abstract is received, you will receive a confirmation email. Please save this email.
- Applicants will be notified around May 30th. Abstracts not accepted for presentation may be invited to participate in the Conference Poster Session. If you have additional questions, please send your inquiry to . The Conference Review Committee may reply with specific requests regarding your presentation.
Review Criteria: Reviewers will look for the following criteria when reviewing:
- Work is new or presents a new perspective or data on known material.
- Abstract is well organized and clearly describes its relevance to the industry, describing how the information presented could be applied and used in practice.
- Presentations utilize case studies, offer solutions, and include specifics.
Please Note:
- No Marketing Materials. Consultants and manufacturers may submit abstracts of a non-commercial nature, but all obvious commercial sales pitches will not be accepted for a presentation. Sales pitches are available through Exhibiting in the Expo Hall – free to the public.
- Speakers are required to pay a reduced conference registration rate.
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