You can now view the full version of our current issue of Green Energy Times from the ‘Current & Past Issues’ Quick Link here in the left side of this page.
There is a lot of exciting information in this issue, like where to find Solar Installers in your area, Green Builders, Building Efficiency and Passive Homes (let’s start a revolution), Geothermal and Heat Pump Companies, Energy Efficient Products such as LED lighting and fans… Heating Efficient options for your building projects are all included. And don’t forget to investigate what incentive and rebates your state is offering to help you with your building & energy efficiency and of course renewable energy projects!
Speaking of which – read about a town that was devastated — even worse that what Irene did here where we live — and how they re-built their town smartly – with energy and building efficiency and are powered 100% by renewable energy – mostly from wind. There is even a wind turbine in the lawn of the hospital, creating clean renewable energy for 100% of the medical facility’s needs – with no complaints of noise or health issues. And the whole community resides happily and close to the towers – VERY close. This is an example worth the read and that we can learn from!
Learn about Permaculture, Growing your own Biodiesel Fuels, Gardening and Saving Seeds — all in our great Sustainable Agriculture Section.
In our Sustainable Education, you will find out how Schools are saving $ on their heating costs — right in Stowe, VT or how younger children are learning in a natural environment that does it all. Find the colleges that offer sustainable classes and even offer solar certifications.
Exciting News about Montpelier committing to becoming the first net-zero capital in the country and how they plan to achieve this is a great example for all of the towns and cities in our region. Let’s start a net-zero northeast!
Transportation is indeed one of the major emission problems here in the rural northeast, …as well as in the cities. There are options – from biking that can include cargo and loads you might need to carry – be it stuff or kids – there are solutions. Read more about this in our Transportation section, as well as the Best options for Fuel-efficient Vehicles in 2014 and where you can find the best options — from businesses that truly care about the environment and are doing their part to reduce their own carbon footprint.
We cover important information about the proposed gas pipeline and so-called ‘natural’ gas.
You can read some interesting examples of those that are doing it – at the community level as well as homeowners and businesses – from the city to off-grid needs – you can find solutions in our pages.
Our It’s a Green Life …after All section, on pp 36 – 39, covers topics about food coops, healthy homes – even the nursery, spring cleaning naturally and lawns and gardening information. The grass is getting green and before you know it, the lawn mowing tasks will be keeping us extra busy until winter returns. Are you tired of that constant hum of all the lawn mowing going on around you? Are you tired of all the gas you have to buy — the price is not going down. It’s tough enough to fill the tank in your vehicle – let alone a high emissions gas powered, noisy lawnmower. There are great options that can curtail this. Check out pg 36 for what’s available for small lawns as well as the serious mowing chore, that will be here very soon.
The 20year history of Solarfest is in the pages of the April issue and we end with a great message from a Olympian from Vermont, in our Sustainable Sports section. Be sure to click on the Current & Past issues link to the left.
We have also posted the individual articles that you can read right here, from this Table of Contents.
Thank for reading Green Energy Times. We hope that it helps you to plan for a sustainable future for yourself and our children and of, course, the planet.
And don’t forget that we are now working on the upcoming June 15 – August 14th Issue of Green Energy Times. If you would like our readers to know about your business, now is the time to let us know this! You can do this by contacting one of our Advertising Account Representatives today:
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