Announcement of the Better Buildings Workforce Guidelines Job Task Analyses Validation Study
The National Institute of Building Sciences, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), and Professional Testing, Inc. invite you to participate in a nationwide research study validating job task analyses (JTAs) of four key energy-related jobs in the commercial buildings sector. Your participation will help us to improve the quality and consistency of commercial buildings workforce training and certification programs.
The JTA is a procedure for analyzing the tasks performed by individuals in a specific job, as well as the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to perform those tasks. JTAs are critical elements of quality training programs and professional certifications. This validation study is an important step in developing national, consistent, industry-recognized JTAs for the following jobs:
Energy Manager
Building Energy Auditor
Building Operations Professional
Building Commissioning Professional
We are seeking current industry practitioners whose work falls into one or more of these job categories to complete a validation study by April 18, 2014. Your participation should take approximately 30–45 minutes and you may complete more than one validation study, if applicable. When determining applicability, please focus on the details of the job descriptions provided on the validation study Web page rather than on the job title, as job titles frequently vary from one employer to another.
Please note: You should complete a validation study only if you have actual experience in areas described by the job description or if you have trained those performing the job, specifically for commercial buildings. Your participation is voluntary and individual responses will be kept confidential. Your responses will be combined with those from other respondents and used to improve the JTAs for the commercial buildings workforce. Feel free to share this request with others who may be interested.
The study will remain open until April 18, 2014. You may direct any questions to Chuck Kurnik at NREL: Thank you for participating in this important process.
The Better Buildings Workforce Guidelines JTA Project Team
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