8:00 – 11:30 a.m. – RUTLAND TOWN Transfer Station, in Northwood Park, off Post Road Extension, Rutland
12:00 noon – 3:00 p.m. – CHITTENDEN Transfer Station, Chittenden
8:00 – 9:30 a.m. – PAWLET, Mettawee Community School Parking Lot, Route 153, West Pawlet
10:30 – 12:00 noon – MIDDLETOWN SPRINGS Transfer Station, behind Firehouse, Middletown Springs
8:00 – 10:00 a.m. – TINMOUTH Transfer Station, Route 140, Tinmouth
11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. – FAIR HAVEN Transfer Station, Fair Haven Avenue, Fair Haven
FREE SERVICE TO: Residents of the Solid Waste Alliance Communities (SWAC) Towns ONLY – Benson, Chittenden, Fair Haven, Middletown Springs, Pawlet, Rutland Town, Shrewsbury, Sudbury, Tinmouth, and West Haven. As a resident of SWAC, you may attend the events listed above, even if it is not the one scheduled for your town. Residents of these communities may also drop off their household hazardous waste at the Gleason Road Hazardous Waste Depot during normal operating hours. PROOF OF RESIDENCY REQUIRED.
BUSINESS WASTE: Small business (conditionally exempt generators) which may include town offices, schools, and town garages can dispose of their wastes through the Rutland County Solid Waste Management District (RCSWD) Hazardous Waste Depot. Waste may include oil-based paints, pesticides (no charge), and used motor oil. Please call 775-7209 to schedule an appointment. Payment for disposal will be required at the time of drop-off.
Use products up for their intended use to lower disposal costs for your community. Please keep products in their original containers. Do not mix products!
No smoking or fires allowed at the collection site.
COMPUTER COLLECTION: Permanent computer collection programs are available in the towns of West Haven residents can access the computer collection box located in at any approved collection location. Pawlet residents also have access to free electronics collection at the Granville, NY transfer station. Since the passage of environmental producer responsibility electronics legislation in 2011, these facilities as well as many others accept many electronics from residents and small businesses at no charge.
Please visit the SWAC website at for additional information. Large businesses should contact the RCSWD at (802-775-7209) to discuss recycling and disposal options. There is a nominal fee for recycling/disposal of business waste. ELECTRONICS ARE NOT ACCEPTED AT THESE EVENTS.
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