Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere


Transition Five Villages proudly presents two events as part of it’s Collapse and Opportunity Series.

Friday, Feb. 7, 7:00-9:00 pm, The Bugbee Senior Center, 262 North Main Street, WRJ, VT.

Author and sustainability pioneer Jim Merkel returns to his Upper Valley stomping grounds to give a free talk about how to build a meaningful life in the age of collapse and the first things you should do to prepare yourself if you are called to be a part of the solution. Discussion to follow.  Donations gratefully accepted.

How To Adapt To a Time of Crisis
Saturday, February 8th, 10-5:30 (Lunch Included)
Center for Transformational Practice, 149 Latham Works Lane, WRJ, VT

Jim Merkel will lead participants through a journey of radical simplification and give to each the tools they need to make conscious choices about how much of this world to consume and how much to leave for other species and future generations. Part financial seminar, part meditation retreat, this workshop will also give participants practical insights about how to organize their lives so as to be free and available to serve the planet, while living in alignment with their spiritual values. Participants will learn that though the journey to a balanced life is long, it is also the most joyful way we can go.   $40 in advance or $50 at door (Optional Dinner $15 extra with reservation only)

To reserve call or email the Center for Transformational Practice (802) 585-2637   No one turned away for lack of funds if you make prior arrangements. Please email any questions or go to to see the full program.

JIM MERKEL is author of Radical Simplicity, former Sustainability Director at Dartmouth, and an expert in sustainable living.



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