Early Birds Discount ends Friday, November 22.
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Conference cost is $30 before Nov. 22, $40 after Nov. 22, and includes a largely local lunch.
6th Annual Vermont Community Energy & Climate Action Conference
Climate Action! Strengthening Connections and Advancing Total Energy Solutions
December 7, 2013, 8:30 a.m-4:30 p.m
This year’s VECAN conference is all about getting serious about climate action in Vermont by strengthening partnerships and advancing total energy solutions. The day offers 14 timely workshops, roundtable discussions on hot topics, tremendous networking opportunities and a fantastic keynote speaker — May Boeve, director of 350.org, who is an inspiring, motivated and powerful young climate leader.
Designed to inspire, support and grow the statewide network of town energy committees and other energy-ambitious Vermonters, this one-day conference emphasizes clean energy and climate action strategies that can be implemented locally. Workshops and roundtables will address energy efficiency, transportation, renewable energy, legislative action, coalition-building and other essential solutions needed to meet Vermont’s energy and climate goals. The conference will take place on Saturday, December 7 at the Lake Morey Inn in Fairlee, Vermont.
Now is the time to dig in to help Vermont get serious about climate action and meet its essential goal of 90 percent renewable energy by 2050. Register now, and please spread the word!
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