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Reminder: Mt. Washington Auto Road Alt Energy Summit

“Mt. Washington Auto Road Alt Energy Summit” Event Will Showcase Full Spectrum of Both Mainstream and Newly Developed Alternative Energy Based Vehicles and Technologies on September 14-15, 2013 for
Demonstrations and Drive Up Northeast’s Highest Peak

PINKHAM NOTCH, NH—Given that once experimental alternative energy technologies have now become mainstream, an event with a storied history on the Northeast’s highest peak is returning as the “Mt. Washington Auto Road Alt Energy Summit” on September 14-15, 2013. In this regard the Auto Road is continuing on its historic path as a proving and playground for new and evolving technologies.

Categories will include EV manufacturers, dealers, retailers, groups and associations, makers, inventors, developers, publications and related media, components/parts and services. Individuals and organizations with vehicles including cars, trucks motorcycles and bicycles or unique one-of-a-kind creations are
also invited. An Energy Expo Exhibit area is planned, which will include vehicle manufacturers, related alternative energy businesses and historic vehicles which have ascended Mt. Washington by other than gas powered engines. Exhibits and information regarding other sustainable energy sources will also be featured, including hydro-electric, wind power, solar power and geo-thermal.

Event Director Ted Dillard has both a technical and practical understanding of alternative energy, as he both builds and rides electric motorcycles. “In the midst of the mid-‘70s “Energy Crisis”, a small group of inventors and visionaries formed a unique event with the Mt. Washington Auto Road as it’s backdrop and proving ground,” Dillard observed. “As we move into the second decade of the 21st Century, we’re seeing many of those solutions become commonplace – nearly mainstream – in daily life. This event will celebrate those pioneers, re-affirm the Mt. Washington Auto Road’s century-long commitment to responsible stewardship of public lands, and bring “Alternative Energy” solutions into the forefront of mainstream renewable energy. This event will be a landmark event in New Hampshire!” he added.

What to Expect:

  • Vendors, Dealers, and Manufacturers of Hybrid, Plug-In Hybrid, Plug-In Electric and Alternative Fuel vehicles showing some of the most remarkable vehicles available today – complete with test rides.
  • Information “roundtable” discussion sessions for homeowners, backyard inventors, public administrators, fleet managers and others on Renewable Energy solutions available today, and funding opportunities and resources.
  • Supplies, components, parts and systems for Renewable Energy systems for homes, businesses and vehicles.
  • Exhibits of unique, creative and innovative solutions for energy and transportation systems offered by inventors, students, “makers”, researchers and enthusiasts.
  • The Alt Energy Drive to the Summit – watch and cheer on our “Alt Energy contestants” as they make history on Mt. Washington. Everything from home-built electric bikes, cars and motorcycles to the sleekest highperformance plug-in vehicles on the road today will be on hand. Watch for some truly unusual solutions there as well, including some top-secret “unmanned transportation” research projects currently in development. Awards and categories for the Summit will reward ingenuity, creativity and dedication.

For more information about the “Alt Energy Weekend” event at the Mt. Washington Auto Road call Event Director Ted Dillard (978) 621-5178.

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