All of us here at Green Energy Times send you our best wishes for a great year!
May you make all the right choices this year and make this your best year yet:
Get our CO2 levels down!
- Get off of our dependence of Fossil Fuels
- Get our Renewable Energy Infrastructure in place for a sustainable future.
- Get our Buildings weatherized and to quit spewing wasted fuel and emissions out the window…
- Get our Transportation off of Fossil Fuel dependence and get Smart Transportation choices available and in place: Electric Vehicles, Rail, Public Transportation changed to electric – and powered by Solar, Wind, Hydro – including Micro-hydro (an untapped gold mine)
- Stop Tar Sands and any transport of that dirty nightmare going through our country by any means
We also have a suggestion for that Solar on the Whitehouse, that we know was not recommended to move forward with, due to it just not being a good solar sight.
- Well, the White House can be energized by a nearby solar farm that is just for the energy needed there. Credits can be applied to the clean energy that is being put into the electric grid from the solar farm.
- And, the White House can also buy into many companies that offer energy made by renewable energy, such as Pear Energy. Where there is a will, there is a way! I believe you would be thrilled with the results.
Green Energy Times is powered 100% by Solar — and we can’t begin to use all of the energy we make … all year round… in Vermont!
Wishing you your best year yet!
We will smile with you to know that you are working with us towards the same goal: ‘To create energy awareness, understanding, efficiency, and independence, along with sustainable living for a sustainable future!”
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