Wednesday, July 17th, 6:30-8:30 pm
57 Emerson Brook Drive, Gilsum, NH
Please join us on Wednesday, July 17th at 6:30 pm, for a tour of two gardens in the Emerson Brook Forest. Both gardens are permaculture (permanent agriculture) works in progress. The first garden, located at the Sustainability Project’s wheelchair accessible center, was designed and implemented by Dave Jacke, (author of the two-volume, “Edible Forest Gardening”) along with a crew of workshop participants in 2008. Here, you will see a well-established “polyculture” design. “What’s that?” you ask. Come and see! The other is a newly implemented garden, located just down the road at the Piedmont-Fleischmann homestead.
We’ll meet up at the center at 6:30 pm and then head down the hill to the Piedmont-Fleischmann Homestead (26 Emerson Brook Drive) for a garden tour and some poppy seed cake and ice cream. I hope you can join in. Please email, or give a call, 603-209-7272, if you need any further information. Directions
All the best, ∞ Valerie Piedmont, Director
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