What’s Happening at Local Foods Plymouth (LFP)?
LFP is holding a weekly ON LINE Yardsale. Please check out the LFP Yardsale tab at the LFP website. As another way to raise money to help cover the cost of running PAREI’s local foods program, we have started our own “Craig’s List” of used products that you can buy while you’re doing your weekly LFP shopping. Do you have any gardening, cooking or energy related items you’d like to donate to be sold at the LFP Yardsale? If so, please drop them off at the PAREI office. Our goal is to list new items every week at the Yardsale.
Did you know that Local Foods Plymouth (LFP) has completely re-done their website and you can pay with a check now at the time of pick up? The LFP team at PAREI has been working hard to offer new products from a larger number of farmers, bakers and local product vendors. Take a look at www.localfoodsplymouth.org When the site isn’t live for buying you can still see the products that were offered in the previous buying session. Remember these products change weekly so be sure to return to the site. With the growing season upon us, the LFP website will be filled with more and more local product choices. You can start purchasing from LFP at anytime and only purchase when YOU want to place a weekly order. The site is live for buying Sunday night through early Wednesday morning. If you want to receive an e-mail to remind you when it’s time to shop send your name to localfoodspymouth@gmail.com If you want to avoid the 7% fee with each purchase buy a membership the first time you purchase from LFP. It’s all explained on the website.
A big thanks to PAREI members that have responded to the LFP fundraising letter. If you or someone you know is interested in making LFP part of your annual charitable giving please contact Grace Garvey igracegarvey@gmail.com . LFP is playing an important role in the community – supporting our local agriculture, increasing our local food security, keeping more money in the local economy and last but not least giving PAREI members a way to choose foods that travel less than 30 miles from farm to plate.
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