When Gas Prices Go Down (& Up)
Tired of gas prices going up and down? When they go down, even for a short while – should you stop using “smart transportation” options? What are the options for our bi-state commuting? Read on.
Why. Transportation emissions are one of the two worst offenders that add to the rising CO2 levels in our atmosphere. As you might have read or heard from the recent UN Conference in Doha, Qatar and numerous other reports, global warming is advancing MUCH faster than expected — at alarming rates. How do we get our emissions down now? YOU can help a lot!
Options. Commuting smartly is all about knowing your options and planning ahead. There are many options to getting around in both New Hampshire and Vermont, handicap — bicycle accessible, and discounts for students and seniors. The first place to start in Vermont is GoVermont at www.connectingcommuters.org for everything you need to know to travel more efficiently. (Read more on p. 6). Whether getting around town, commuting or planning a day trip, leave the driving to someone else, enjoy the ride and help save our planet. Why wouldn’t you want to save on average $2,000 annually by sharing a ride or taking transit? It will certainly cost less than using your own vehicle. There are services for commuters, tourist, and shoppers. It is time to do things a better way — a smart way, and plan on using these services for your daily routines.
And, don’t forget about the train, carpooling and just sharing rides, for which there are many ways to connect for using them. Park n Ride lots are there to use. Keep ’em full!
Advance Transit/Upper Valley Rideshare is the ultimate website for getting around in the Upper Valley, providing support for carpoolers. www.uppervalleyrideshare.com/Ride. Links At-A-Glance: Advance Transit will get you around Lebanon and Hanover and Dartmouth. (802) 295-1824 http://www.advancetransit.com/
Contoocook Valley Transportation Company (CVTC) – Monadnock Rideshare program for the region & beyond! 877-428-2882. http://www.cvtc-nh.org
Cooperative Alliance for Regional Transportation (CART) serving the Chester, Derry, Hampstead, Londonderry, Salem and Windham, limited service to Plaistow. http://www.cart-rides.org/
Community Alliance of Human Services Public Transportation Services for Claremont & Newport, NH 603-863-0003
Concord Area Transit (CAT) serves Concord, NH http://www.concordareatransit.org
City Express serves the City of Keene. 603-352-8494 http://www.hcsservices.org/services/transportation/cityExpress.php
Manchester Transit Authority (MTA) for Manchester, and connections to Nashua and Concord. 603-623-8801 http://www.mtabus.org/services/local-buses/
Nashua Transit System (NTS) for buses and trolleys with bike racks). 603-888-0100 www.RideBigBlue.com
North Country Transit – Tri-County CAP Transit provides services for Coös County and northern Grafton County. Carroll County Transit provides services and connections to Belknap County. 603-752-1741 or 888-997-2020 http://www.tccap.org/nct.htm
Winnipesaukee Transit System (WTS) services Belmont, Franklin, Tilton, Laconia … Ride Line: 603-528-2496 http://www.bm-cap.org/wts.htm
Vermont Public Transportation [Public Transit/Ferry/Rail] http://www.aot.state.vt.us/PublicTransit/providers.htm
Amtrak http://www.amtrak.com (800) 872-7245 Long distance train service. Offers discounts for AAA membership and student advantage card
Chittenden County Transportation Authority is Burlington’s bus service with links to Montpelier, Middlebury and commuter route to Milton. http://www.cctaride.org
Connecticut River Transit provides services in and around Bellows Falls and Springfield. http://www.crtransit.org
Dartmouth Coach (800) 637-0123 http://www.dartmouthcoach.com/
Go Vermontis the place to go for carpoolers and commuter connections in VT! 800-685-7433 www.connectingcommuters.org
Green Mountain Railroad has day trip specials available from White River, the Champlain Valley, Bellows Falls and Rutland. http://www.rails-vt.com/
Green Mountain Transit Agency provides local service in Barre, Montpelier, Grand Isle, Stowe and Lamoille. http://gmtaride.org
Grey hound/Vermont Transit for long distance bus services. 1-800-231-2222 http://www.greyhound.com/
Lake Champlain Ferries providing transportation between New York and Vermont via Lake Champlain. 802-864-9804 http://www.ferries.com/
Marble Valley Regional Transit for Rutland, Killington, rural Manchester, Poultney and Rutland to bellows falls. Service is free on Saturday for city routes. 802-773-3244 http://www.thebus.com/
Rural Community Transportation, Inc, INC (RCT) uses buses, vans, and volunteer drivers. Routes also via The Jay-Lyn, The Highlander (Newport – Derby Line); The U S 2 Commuter (St. J. to Montpelier) and Free routes to rural areas. 802-748-8170 http://www.riderct.org
Stage Coach -commutes from Randolph to Dartmouth & trips within the village… 800-427-3553 http://www.stagecoach-rides.org
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