“These funds will be used to help pay for the proper management of over 600,000 pounds of hazardous waste that we collect from residents and businesses annually. This year, I estimate the program to cost over $500,000,” said Jen Holliday, Compliance Program and Product Stewardship Manager.
The grant is part of a $411,000 solid waste assistance fund provided by the state to help towns uphold the state-wide ban on disposing of hazardous waste in landfills. The grant is awarded annually to towns by the DEC, an arm of the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources.
CSWD will use the grant to fund CSWD’s hazardous waste collection program, which includes the Environmental Depot, a facility located in South Burlington that accepts hazardous waste year-round from Chittenden County households and businesses, and the Rover, a mobile collection program that operates July through October, visiting each district town to collect household hazardous waste for proper recycling and disposal.
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