Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

A Can’t Miss Event – Climate Blogathon on DailyKos

There is an impressive blogathon happening this week on the web site We’ve got a widget over on the right side of the page linking to the articles in the blogathon. The widget updates roughly every 30 minutes.

You can see bios of the special guest bloggers in this post, including lawmakers, scientists and activists.

The blogathon is being organized by Bill McKibben, boatsie, and Patriot Daily News Clearinghouse.

Here’s the complete schedule, all times are in the Pacific time zone. Not all posts will be made exactly on time, since those involved have things like “jobs” and “lives,” but this is the best approximation:

  • Monday, August 20 (updated by JekyllnHyde)

5:00 am: Climate Change SOS Blogathon: Could better analysis save humanity? by A Siegel.
8:00 am: Climate Change SOS Daily Report by boatsie.
9:00 am: Alarm bells on climate change as extreme weather events sweep the world: CCSOS by Martin Khor.
10:00 am: Climate Challenge: Two Questions For Mitt Romney by danieljkessler.
12:00 pm: Climate Change SOS Blogathon: Visions of the Future? by John Abraham.
1:00 pm: Why Climate Literacy Matters by Mark McCaffrey.
2:00 pm: Climate Change SOS: Are Americans Waking Up? by Jill Richardson.
4:00 pm: Ignore climate Cassandra at our peril by Mike Mann.
5:00 pm: Building Resilience in a Changing Climate: CCSOS by Richard Heinberg.
6:00 pm: Climate change just isn’t Santa anymore. by rb137.

  • Tuesday, August 21

8:00 am: Climate Change SOS Daily Report – Open.
9:00 am: Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT).
10:00 am: JanF.
11:00 am: beach babe in fl.
12:00 pm: Jeff Mears.
1:00 pm: jessc.
2:00 pm: Brain Kahn.
3:00 pm: Brenden DeMille.
4:00 pm: citisven.
5:00 pm: Gerard Wedderburn-Bisshop.
6:00 pm: Open.

  • Wednesday, August 22

8:00 am: Climate Change SOS Daily Report by citisven.
11:00 am: Bill McKibben.
12:00 pm: Joshua Rosenau.
1:00 pm: Nichole Ghio.
2:00 pm: Peter Erickson.
3:00 pm: Heather Libby.
4:00 pm: Sarah Moffitt.
5:00 pm: Tom Athanasiou.
6:00 pm: TheFatLadySings – Tentative.

  • Thursday, August 23

8:00 am: Climate Change SOS Daily Report – Open.
11:00 am: Vanessa Meadu.
12:00 pm: Jeff Conant.
1:00 pm: Greg Laden – Tentative.
2:00 pm: Brian Kahn.
3:00 pm: Anne Peterman.
4:00 pm: James Wells – Tentative.
5:00 pm: Open.
6:00 pm: SolarMom.
7:00 pm: Pam LaPier.

  • Friday, August 24

8:00 am: Climate Change SOS Daily Report – Open.
10:00 am: Kelly Rigg.
11:00 am: Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA).

12:00 pm: Don’t Just Sit There DO SOMETHING.
1:00 pm: Praenomen.
2:00 pm: Rachel Harris.
3:00 pm: Joshua Weise.
4:00 pm: billlaurelMD.
5:00 pm: Victor Menotti.
6:00 pm: Aji.

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