Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

Air Sealing and BPI Testing with the Efficiency Training Program

Ahhh summertime!  It’s a challenge thinking about keeping buildings cozy warm in mid July…  But the cold weather will be here before too long, and the Efficiency Training Program continues with programs.  Here’s a current snapshot:

How to Diagnose Basements for Air Sealing & Insulating Workshop
Thursday, July 26th
This is the second day of a 2-day course on how to properly diagnose a basement for air sealing and insulating.  We will be working at Peppercorns Natural Foods Store in Plymouth where, as a group, we will diagnose issues and solutions throughout the basement.  Also, we will be getting our hands dirty helping to air seal and insulate certain identified issues ranging from moisture to air leakage and lack of insulation.

Contact Zak Brohinsky at
or call him at (860) 559-1488 to sign up for this free event and/or join the PAREI email list for future workshops.  Spots are limited.

BPI Building Analyst and Envelope Professional
Certification Testing in Mid-August
For those wanting to recertify or retest with BPI, LRCC will hold BPI written exams on Wednesday, August 15 in Laconia.  BPI Building Analyst and Envelope Professional field exams will be held in mid-August as well.  The Fast-track BPI Recertification program is $625 for both the written and field exam or $400 for field exam only (BA or EP exams).  Both Fast-Track programs include a 6-hour field review session.  Contact Andy Duncan for more information or see the LRCC ETP web site for details.

Manchester Community College’s Heating Systems Workshop is now tentatively planned for Wed. and Thu. August 22-23.  Contact Kathy DesRoches for more details and registration information.

Another round of How Buildings Work, BPI Building Analyst and BPI Air Leakage Control Installer classes will again be offered in September – October in Berlin, NH.  Contact Berlin BetterBuilding’s Cimbria Badenhausen for more information, and about scholarship opportunities for those working in NH’s North Country.

For more information about the Efficiency Training Program at Lakes Region Community College, see, or contact Andy Duncan at tel. 603-524-3207 ext. 6629.


The Efficiency Training Program is a partnership with Lakes Region Community College (LRCC), NH Division of Economic Development (DED), and the Plymouth Area Renewable Energy Initiative (PAREI).  The ETP program is funded in part from the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Fund (GHGERF) administered by the NH Public Utilities Commission.

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